
Email Marketing, Best Practices

Spam is a growing and widespread problem that affects the everyday man on the street. Just try to strike a conversation on this topic and you would get the same fervor answer that they are annoying and some would even go as far to tell you that it clogs up their junk folder.
Successful online marketers therefore separate themselves out using the best email marketing practices. How? By using appropriate double opt in email marketing campaign. By doing so, they are also saving themselves precious time by sending emails to customers who are keen.
How do you then, go about achieving the this then? Here I will list out 3 steps for you to follow below:
1) Be Certain that your customers are interested
During the sign up process for receiving emails, make sure that you give your customers an option and not present it as a requirement. If you use a checkbox, the default state of the box should be unchecked. If the purchase is physical (over the counter) or over the telephone, train you company representative to ensure that the customer is agreeable and comfortable to receiving your emails by giving their email address. This will be your starting step.
2) Properly labeled
Ensure that you emails are properly labeled. Again, back to the spam problem, it is imperative to the company specializing in email marketing best practices is to ensure that the customer knows that the email is from them. The delete key is almost a second nature to many consumers and they would also report emails they don’t recognize as spam. By properly labeling your emails, marketers who succeed in email marketing best practices can keep spam reports to a minimum.
3) Pre-empt
Have a short message right at the beginning of the email telling the customer that they requested email communications, and also offer them an easy way to opt out of receiving your emails in the future if they want. The longer the time passed from the original acceptance to receiving emails from a company, the more likely that they will tend to forget the original request so keep this in mind. Bear in mind that though this seems like a very short time, a lot of people may not check their mail on a daily basis so companies apt in email marketing best practices keep the timeline to as short as the next following day.