
Secure your Mac Data from Virus- trojan.osx.boonana.a

Mac systems are considered as the most advanced computers of the recent time in terms of their in-built technology and features. Moreover, these systems are very much robust and are believed to be tough against viruses and malwares. However, time to time, some critical computer virus/malware has caused significant damage to the Mac systems by corrupting the system files resulting in the complete inaccessibility of your valuable data. In such situations of data loss or inaccessibility, Mac recovery technology can help you recover all your data back.

In the recent past, a very critical virus in the name ‘trojan.osx.boonana.a’ has troubled many Mac systems. Specially targeting the Mac operating system based computers, this virus usually comes from the networking sites with a quote similar to “Is this you in this video?”, providing a link to an external website.

Once, you click on the link, an unknown java applet will try to load in your web browser prompting for you to sign a content to run an untrusted certificate. If you accept the content, the applet loads with a fake ‘YouTube’ interface. In the background, the intruded application communicates with a variety of servers and replaces the file “sudoers” in the location /etc with a modified file, which allows any command to be run as root without any password. The application avoids being quarantine by most of the secure browsers like Safari and reloads automatically at the stat-up and on exit.

As all the commands are run as root, many system files get modified, deleted or moved from their original location causing serious loss or inaccessibility of data in your Mac system, which requires any data recovery Mac utility to recover back your valuable data.


From the command prompt, run: launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/jnana.plist

Ensure that no java application is running by running another command: killall java

Next, try to remove the following files:

sudo rm -rf ~/.jnana/

sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/OSXDriverUpdates/

sudo rm -rf /var/root/.jnana/

sudo rm -rf ~/Library/LaunchAgents/jnana.plist

Finally, edit the /etc/sudoers file by setting appropriate permissions and owner ship or restore the file from a known good copy.

If the above process does not solve the problem and the data remains inaccessible, you need to format the drive and restore the data from a valid backup. If due to any reason, backup is unavailable, you have to opt for any Mac data recovery software to bring back the seemingly lost data.

Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data Recovery software is a highly trusted Mac recovery utility to efficiently recover your lost, deleted, formatted or inaccessible data from all available Mac OS X. The software comes with an interactive interface and is absolutely easy to use for those who does not even have much technical knowledge.