
Social Media Tools

Creating a social media strategy forms only a small part of your overall social media campaign. Even though the strategy is an important part of the campaign, how diligently you implement and manage your strategy on a daily basis will play a big role in determining the success of the campaign. In this post we discuss a few social media tools that can help you manage your social media campaign on a day-to-day basis.


We prefer Hootsuites functionality to manage multiple accounts. Hootsuite is browser-based and allow you to manage Facebook fan pages, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn profiles and many more. Additional functionality includes scheduling Twitter and Facebook updates and sending an email alert to yourself once an update has been posted. Nifty indeed!


Earlier this year Tweetdeck added scheduled tweets to their functionality. In my opinion TweetDeck is sufficient when you only manage one or two accounts but if you manage more accounts I recommend using Hootsuite. The main reason for this is Tweetdecks column layout, managing more than two accounts in Tweetdeck is tricky.

In both Hootsuite and Tweetdeck you can run a permanent keyword search for your brand name (or competitors brand names) to see what people are saying about your brand on Twitter specifically. If you would like to cast your net wider, sign up for Google Alerts.

Lastly, there are many tools available that promise to gain you thousands of followers. They dont work, trust us. Social media is about engagement therefore post relevant content, engage with your fans and followers and your following will grow organically.