
Using Business Cards and Flyers

Business cards and flyers bear business information about a company. A business card is a card made either of paper or plastic that contains information about the company or an individual and is shared and exchanged during formal introductions at business gatherings or meetings. This card generally contains the person’s name, his position in the company, the company logo, and contact details like phone and fax numbers, email address, and the company’s website.

Traditional business cards were white in color with black print on them. But today’s cards may be colorful in contrast, with visual eye- catching designs. Almost anyone can get these cards printed but generally it is business men and women and small upcoming companies and business houses which are keen to attract and build a wider customer base who distributes their cards as a form of advertisement.

Usually a card is about 8.5 inches to 11 inches in size and nowadays can be printed using either a digital copier or produced using business card software which consists of layout tools, designs editing tools for the text etc.

Both the cards and flyers are means of advertisement for the company. A business flyer is generally a piece of paper which is printed on one side. Its uses range from advertising a sale, to communicating a message or provision of a service. These are used to successfully add to a company’s customer base. A well designed flyer contains information about the name of the company, the list of services provided by the company or the goods it sells, contact numbers, address and email address.

Colorful photos, eye catching visuals and graphics are generally included so that the customers get an idea of what to expect from the company. But unlike business cards, flyers are distributed in the neighborhood where it will attract maximum customers. For example a book store would distribute its flyers in schools so that children would know where to get their books and school stationery from at the beginning of the academic year.

The cards and flyers can be printed in a professional manner at cheaper costs whether in large or small quantities. The quality of the printed cards and flyers depend on the printer and a badly printed version will put off people. So it is necessary to hand over the printing to a reputed printer who would give you the best suited business cards and flyers at minimal costs.